May 10, 2011

Crazy Town

This weekend my mom and I took a little trip out of town.
It was Mother's Day after all. 
Please excuse all of the pictures, but I just can't wait to share!!!

Our weekend started Friday night when Mom picked me up and I took her to dinner at Andy's restaurant.
It was so delicious.
Saturday morning we hit the road and headed for Reno, NV

Once in town, we hit the shops and then went home to get all fancy for the casino.
Mom looked so beautiful.

And then I attacked the casino buffet. It was the largest buffet I have ever seen, 
and I couldn't resist all of the treats..

Sunday we took our time driving home and went through my favorite town...
I ate at my favorite pizzeria and bought fudge for the boy.
All in all...
i love you momma.

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!
Shawni Marie


  1. what a good daughter you are and a fun trip with your mamma!

  2. Oh my goodness all that food looks delicious. I'm trying to eat super healthily now in preparation for bathing suit season, which makes me salivate all the more for this yumminess!

  3. This looks so fun! And yummy! I haven't been to a casino buffet in forever.


  4. Aww! I love mother-daughter time. That food looks all kinds of amazing!
