May 25, 2011

i can love you like that...

I have had a crazy little week, but things are starting to look on the UP.
I have promised myself many times that I would maintain a positive vibe...
As life often goes... that doesn't always happen.
So I am posting here the things in my week that have been absolutely AWESOME.

What is making YOUR week so far??
love love love-
Shawni Marie


  1. wow those are really gorgeous pictures! have a great week! xx

  2. Love this post! My week hasn't been going so great, but I keep telling myself: Tomorrow is a new day

  3. Awe, I love that last picture of you! Keep up that positive energy!!! If anyone can do it, you can!
    Miss your face.
    PS: If you get a chance, stop by and enter my giveaway!

  4. what a good post! i love this idea. :)

  5. Looks like you had an awesome week! Woo! :D

  6. That food looks amazing and I like your blouse, the print is awesome, a floral print makes everything better and we all have crazy weeks but as you seed keep a positive attitude and things will turn out ok! You have a lovely blog and I am a new follower! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic
